Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Bloomberg Businessweek

Bloomberg Businessweek for the latest in economic trends

Bloomberg Businessweek is an indispensable resource for those in business who want a global perspective on business news. Company leaders around the world rely on Bloomberg to help them move their investments, careers and businesses forward, always looking toward the next level. The publication strives to filter out the "noise" and extraneous information in order to give business professionals the most timely access to the latest and most relevant information. Readers can then use this information to make smarter business decisions across the boards. Always putting things in an intelligent context, their trustworthy approach to business news has been helping readers since 1929.

This forward perspective approach combined with useful insights inspires readers. It compels them to turn their business ideas from just concepts into taking concrete action. Bloomberg Businessweek helps readers to cultivate a deeper understanding of the latest business trends that are currently driving economic growth as well as potential future trends. Bloomberg also explores in depth how technology is now creating new opportunities in a dynamic and ever-evolving way.

Bloomberg puts forth the best practices to help keep business leaders ahead of the competition in this challenging and competitive economy. The business leaders of today and tomorrow consistently turn to Businessweek for the important information, motivation and inspiration that they just cannot get from any other publication in quite the same package, accessible language and delivery.

Businessweek is also seen as a great value by its readers in terms of its cost per week. From business to politics to technology, Bloomberg Businessweek explores business from every angle with a generous amount of content. It offers a wide variety of excellent articles as well as some stimulating feature articles from week to week. Some say there's so much quality content, there's hardly enough time in a week to do it justice; before they know it, another issue loaded with insights and quality content is available.

In addition to the traditional print version, Bloomberg Businessweek also offers an electronic Kindle version of the publication. It contains the same articles that are featured in the print edition, however it may not contain all of the same images, graphics or tables as the print version. The upside is that readers report that much of the electronic content is free of advertisements. Readers also really appreciate the convenience of wireless auto-delivery of the magazine as well as the ability to read it on the go from anywhere with their e-reader or tablet. The black and white Kindle version is auto-delivered every Friday, three days before other subscribers.

If you're looking for quality, cutting-edge content that keeps you up on the latest business news and trends, then Businessweek is for you. The magazine offers content relevant to anyone interested in business, from the young executive to the entrepreneur to the CEO. The content is highly readable and doesn't overload with too much technical jargon. Long-time readers of Businessweek describe it as the perfect blend of reporting on current events and trends combined with sound, practical business advice for the present and future